I had to stop running because everything was hurting. I’m not a runner per se but I did enjoy the occasional sprint and fast jogging with my dog but when I turned 40, somehow, everything just started aching. I knew that some sort of physical activity was good for me so I kept walking. Thank goodness I have a dog and that forces me to walk, otherwise I might have stopped walking altogether. It also helped that I discovered these amazing walking shoes that supported my ankles and lessened the pain I was experiencing when going for a short walk.
Adding Turmeric to my diet
A couple of years ago, I started adding turmeric to my diet. Extra-strength turmeric from Gaia Herbs is the probably the most trustworthy brand of supplements in the market today. Anyway, with Tumeric, my entire body seemed to relax and the usual pain stopped aching. I still wasn’t running but at least I wasn’t in pain anymore.
Surrendering to old-age aches and pain
I don’t know why I resided in the pain. It sort of felt like I was supposed to be in pain and my body was supposed to ache because I was older. It sort of felt like a surrendering of sorts. Like, you expect it to happen so you didn’t question the process. Anyway, it happens gradually until one day you wake up and you stop all forms of physical exertion because your body (and mind) have surrendered. And, like everyone of my peers, I started adding old-people supplements to my diet. Aging is definitely a perspective that needs to change.
Discovering ASEA (in the years of the Covid Pandemic)
In August of 2021, I discovered ASEA through my sister. I didn’t take it religiously because I had a host of old-people supplements that I was already taking. Also, I’ve never believed in multi-level marketing. For me, it seemed like a hoax and an expensive one at that.
In December of 2021, my 4-yr-old son had his yearly doctor’s appointment. When we walked into the doctors office, she had a bottle of ASEA sitting on her shelf, which doubled as a medicine cabinet. That was my switch. I started taking ASEA religiously after that day and I haven’t looked back since.
On the morning that I suddenly sprinted, my dog looked up and was as surprised as I was. We now walk like we use to, which is walk, slow run, sprint and then walk again. Side note, I’ve also started giving my old dog ASEA and I think her form is better now than with just Turmeric alone. I don’t take as many supplements as before and my body feels lighter and capable. I’m aware of how crazy that sounds and it’s all true. I’m so grateful for ASEA.
Update May, 4, 2022. I now run weekly 5k marathons. I never even use to like running. It’s kind of crazy but also kinda amazing!